🚀 Power up your Javascript

Over the last 10 years in the software industry I have learned how to write clean, robust and scalable code, and I want to show you how to do it.

This playbook contains:
1. 30+ common code smells and how to fix them
2. 20+ bugs that can creep into your code and how to squash them
3. 15+ common design patterns and how to apply them to new and existing code
4. A step by step walk though on how to build out a Spotify clone, with the final source code

While I am still working on the playbook I wanted to share an early copy completely FREE!

No obligation, no catch, no credit card!

No More Foo Bar Baz

It seems that all the examples online all follow the same examples of: Foo Bar and Baz.
While it makes it general it also makes it impossible to apply to any real world examples.

Anytime I read these examples I find myself thinking: "What's Foo in my case? What the hell is Bar? Where do I put Baz?"

No more decoding what this means and how to translate it to real life code. With this playbook you will build a Spotify clone and apply these principals to real life examples.

Recognize opportunities for design patterns

Applying design patterns is great, if you know how and when to do it. While you may know what a factory is or what's a builder, it's hard to pin point a good opportunity to actually use it.
In this playbook you'll learn not only about some of the most useful and common design patterns, but more importantly how to spot opportunities to apply them. I'll teach you how to ask the right questions at the right time to be able to actually use those fancy design patterns you've heard about.

About me

Hey! I'm @mlevkov, a software developer, blogger and tech enthusiast.

One of my passions it to help newer devs level up and becomes professionals in the industry. If you ever have any questions regarding all things dev please don't hesitate to reach out 😄